Additional Resources

Transgenic/knockout mice and ES cells

Protocols and reagents for mouse ES cell work

(There are many varieties of online and print protocols for mouse ES cell work. It often ends up being that you do you best and find what works for you. Here are a few that I found the most useful)

Databases of knockout mice/cells 

  • Mouse Genome Informatics (MGI)  is a searchable online database of mouse strains and stocks available worldwide, including inbred, mutant, and genetically engineered mice.
  • The Gene Expression Nervous System Atlas GENSAT database contains a gene expression atlas of the central nervous system of the mouse based on bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs).
  • Knockout mice generated by Gensat (and many other projects) are being transferred to Mutant Mouse Regional Resource Centers (MMRRC) for distribution. The purpose of the MMRRC is to ensure the continued availability of scientifically valuable, genetically engineered mice and to distribute these mice to qualified researchers studying human and animal biology and disease.
  • The International Gene Trap Consortium is a subgroup of the International Mouse Mutagenesis Consortium and provides an international resource of embryonic stem cells with gene trap insertions in every or most genes in the mouse genome.

Mouse Genomic Databases

  • The UCSC Genome Browser (highly recommended)
  • Ensembl Mouse Annotated genomic sequence for the C57BL/6 mouse genome. Easier than the UCSC for initial info, but then has its limits. Aurora thinks it is the best way to see the intron/exon sequences of a gene clearly.